
Underated presents Volume 1
More about: Underated
Genre- Hip Hop
Doing Business As- Hip Hop makers
Members- Heavyset, DJ Innovation (from Pandelerium) and Mike B and LK (from Mr.I)
Special Powers- Can form the number ten, simply by
standing next to each other.
It’s amazing what a couple guys can accomplish in a smoke filled room on a Sunday morning. UNDERATED has been making music since spring of 2007. Since then, UNDERATED has been successful at numerous beat battles and has produced music for many of St.Louis’ talented mcees. The group continues to dig in “unlikely” crates while making Hip Hop that has been inspired by their love of all types of music.
Heavyset, Innovation, Mike B and LK, coming from different backgrounds, have been able to bring different ideas to the table and meld them together to create great Hip Hop. It’s not the Hip Hop you may be used to, if your music outlet is radio alone, but you might find that UNDERATED is exactly what you’ve been wanting to hear.
UNDERATED Presents…(compilation)
The Frozen Food Section
The independent record label the Frozen Food Section is on a mission to showcase the best of the St. Louis hip-hop community. Its latest release, ‘UNDERATED Presents…’ nails this perfectly.
The album name sums up the entire project: hip-hop duo UNDERATED (producer Zac and MC/producer Heavyset) hosts an array of local talent to demonstrate its skills. Featured artists include Heavyset, Jonezy, Spark 1duh?, Creep ‘You a Damn’ Dog, Knomads, Jonathan Toth from Hoth, Original Sin, The Twelve to Six Movement, Mathias, Fat$tac$ and the Local Community Kids Choir.
UNDERATED has been supplying St. Louis with beats and rhymes since their basement beginnings in 2007. After recently signing with the Frozen Food Section, their goal is expansion. According to Zac, “J-Toth placed the offer to become part of the Frozen Food Section and we jumped like we were in a House of Pain video. From here, we’re doing a proper reissue of ‘UNDERATED Presents…’ under the Frozen Food Section label.”
If you’re after something local and fresh, ‘UNDERATED Presents…’ is just what you’re looking for. Expect to find it locally and online at, even though, according to Zac, “the joy of knowing that what we were making in a basement is getting heard by others is profit enough.”
-Mike Gibson, Eleven Magazine/March 2010
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